Instead of a proper meal just a sandwich. A gnaw of the pork pie squatting somewhere in the fridge. Maybe a quick salad, with instant cous-cous if you can brave the packet's image of Ainsley Harriot and his mad bulging eyes.
Some food though, often sold on the convenience ticket, is just too awful to bear: 'Frankenfood', produced from bubbling chemicals in sweaty industrial cauldrons. Opinions vary as to the worst but turkey twizzlers, microwavable snack products and chicken nuggets are all contenders. Or perhaps Asda's Smart Price Chilli Con Carne, a dish so lacking in taste and form that it deserves a special mention.
But pictured to our left is the undisputed champion, the absolute acme
of disgusting foods. I give you (drum-roll) ... the Jimmy Dean
Pancake and Sausage on a Stick, with Chocolate Chips. If anyone can beat this effort
for jaw-dropping repugnance I'd be most interested to hear. Wasn't there a
Jimmy Dean who died horribly of something?
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