A few gutter-press 'journalists' have suggested that if Kate can't handle her job and her wedding preparations at the same time, she'll find it difficult to cope as Queen of England. These people are invariably alcoholics. In the meantime, Kate and William are said to have already made most of the key wedding decisions – Kate has chosen her all-important dress designer – but are determined to keep some details under wraps, including the bride's gown, the rings and the words of the vows. An aide said: "They don’t want the world to be sick of their wedding before the day."
When it comes to arranging big functions, 'Waity Katie' - who's laughing now? - isn't always a class act. While working for her parents' company, she was responsible for the What's Hot section of the firm's website. Items listed included a Toy Story 3 Essential Party Kit, and a Peppa Pig party bag. Both can be yours for less than ten pounds. But at least these products will help keep down the royal sweethearts' wedding costs; William and Kate are more in touch with the country than some of us thought.