Not surprisingly the charity,
Hayle-based Disabled Cornwall, complained about Brewer’s appalling comment
and the authority's Standards Committee has now reported its findings. Brewer was ordered to make a formal written
apology; his letter of contrition to the charity says: "While I meant no
offence by my remarks to you I can see, in retrospect, that they were
ill-judged.” He’s refused to resign from the Council.
Brewer claimed in his
defence that prior to his outburst he’d had a difficult morning’s council meetings,
and said he’d been trying to "provoke a reaction and debate the issue of
service costs provision." In other
words he hasn’t provided a whole-hearted apology, more a form of sorry-lite accompanied
by a haughty attempt at self-justification. "We all make mistakes," Brewer
It’s hard to imagine a more repugnant, loathsome act than attacking disabled children. Mr Brewer’s wish to incite a reaction has succeeded beyond his wildest
dreams, as the media storm around him grows ever more furious. How can such a person
continue to represent his community? Brewer
shouldn’t have to resign from his Wadebridge seat; Cornwall Council must sack
him, without a backward glance.